Wireless energy transimisson via laser

Wireless Technology



Beam forming and guidance system. High-quality interference optics for specific wavelengths micropositioner for precise guidance at long distances, pan/tilt mount for coarse guidance.


Photovoltaic array effectively converts laser radiation into electricity. A special switching circuit for efficient operation in turbulent conditions. To produce receivers for different wavelengths, various elements are used: 808 nm – single-stage GaAs, 900-1080 nm – VMJ Si.


Powerful laser source. Different wavelengths are used for different conditions: more powerful and cheap sources at 970 nm, less powerful, but very efficient sources at 808 nm. Using of single-mode lasers with wavelengths of 1064 nm for ultra-long-range applications is also considered.


Receiver detection, laser beam. The receiver is equipped with retroreflectors, which are illuminated by the laser, they allow accurate detection, and also provide tracking of the object.

Efficiency of transmision

Overall and by component

Leading high-tech countries are aimed at creating remote wireless power systems for space systems, aircrafts, various devices, and infrastructure. Taking into account the latest advances in laser technology, the most promising for aviation and cosmonautics is the application of wireless transmission technology of electric energy via laser. Since 2003, several experiments have already been carried out in the world, such companies as NASA, EADS, Lasermotive are engaged in this technology development, but the efficiency shown by them is small. Our studies have shown the possibility of achieving efficiencies of more than 10%. In 2014-2017, a series of laboratory experiments on wireless energy transmission was conducted, energy was transmitted at distances from 10 to 1500 meters, laser sources from 10 to 120 W were used, achieved efficiency was 12%. An experiment on charging a mobile phone at a distance of 1.5 km was conducted, as well as an experiment on remote charging of an unmanned aerial vehicle at a distance of 1 km.

  • The efficiency of modern diode lasers reaches 45-50%

  • VMJ Si photovoltaic array - 10-30% for wavelengths 900-1080 nm, single-layer GaAs a - 45-50% for 808 nm.rray

  • Interference optics created for specific wavelengths passes more than 95% of the radiation, but operation under atmospheric conditions causes small losses.

  • Overall efficiency of 12% is achievable now, but rapid progress in laser research and photovoltaics allows us to speak about efficiency in 20-30% already in the near future.

Power supply for equipment over optical fiber. The transmitted power is up to 10 W, the distance is up to 100 m, the level of interference is up to 2 mV, the absence of a metal wire between the power source and the consumer (complete electrical isolation, safety, immunity to external interference). Laser radiation is transmitted to the consumer through an optical fiber, where it is converted into electricity. The use of an optical channel instead of a metallic wire provides the main advantages of the solution. The main elements of the system: a laser source, an optical fiber connecting a laser source and a receiver, a photoelectric converter – a receiver that converts laser radiation into electricity.

Main applications

– telecom – power transceivers, antennas, fiber optic converters, power and information in one cable
– power engineering – sensors for high-voltage equipment, video cameras with power and communication over one fiber
– strategic objects – isolated power supply duplication, sensors for explosive materials
– underwater works – lightweight power supply solution for underwater robots

Our team

One team - one mission

Vitalii Kapranov

Graduated from MIPT. Member of the Olympiad in mathematics and programming. One of the initiators of the project. In charge of algorithms and software development for all equipment.

Vjatcheslav Gubzanskiy

Seasoned executive with rich experience in telecom field. Series of successful projects in new business development. Worked with C-suit management of large companies (Rostelecom, TTC, large resellers). Experience in the field of internet marketing.

Ivan Matsak

Graduated from MEPhI. For his scientific achievements he was awarded a number of awards. Our main developer of the optical system. Practitioner of effective management and Lean technologies.

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